Motex Tape

I have been playing with my new colours of Motex Tape to label the boxes in my craft room. You can buy the tape (and the label writers if you dont still have an old Dymo one!) from Berylune.


I really like this small bit of colour on my plain white boxes. Only another 30 or so boxes to label!


Rainbow Ripple

I have managed to finish another long term project, this time it is my rainbow ripple blanket. I started it last May and selected happy, spring like colours. Just looking at this blanket makes me smile 🙂


Here is a close up so you can see the ripple better.


Blue Monkey

I was busy making lots of new badges this weekend, including a monkey design, when my husband suddenly asked for a version of the monkey in blue and grey. I set to work thinking it sounded a bit odd but the finished monkey looks great.


I have also made an elephant, a cat, a basset, and some brown monkeys. They are all available online from The Granny Square.



