Heart Shaped Cadbury’s Roses Tin

This vintage Cadbury’s Roses tin would make a wonderful Valentine’s gift. You could fill it with some Roses or any other Valentine’s gift. You can buy this tin here, order by 10pm Friday 8th February 2013 for delivery in time for Valentine’s Day.










Toffee Tin

I love a vintage tin and have quite a collection of my own, they are so useful for storing little bits and pieces and look prettier than a cardboard box. I was quite excited to find this Blue Bird Assorted Toffee tin featuring a Yacht Racing picture. The bottom of the tin is a lovely blue colour and there is a lovely design inside the lid. This tin is available here.









Add Some Vintage With Books

If you want to bring a bit of vintage into your home an easy way to do it is with some vintage books. Lots of people choose Penguin Books like these that we have in our living room.


Another good choice is Ladybird Books, I have built up a large collection that we have on our landing.


There are lots of other options such as these books published by The Reprint Society in the 1950s. Look out for books with attractive covers that feature mid-century designs and colours.


Rosti Egg Cups

One of my favourite brands is Rosti, originally a Danish company. Although the company is still going it is the wonderfully bold coloured melamine items they made during the 1960s and 1970s that I love. I have a large collection of their mixing bowls and utensils, but it is the egg cups I like the most. These egg cups were designed by Bjorn Christensen.


I am trying to build up a collection of all the colours, I still need to find some in blue and white. If you like these egg cups too there are four available from The Granny Square.

The egg cups have space in the middle for your egg and a wide rim for your spoon or toast soldiers. The design means that they are easy to stack for storage or display.